

What Couples and Others Have to Say
After Attending an
Amore Intensive Retreat
with renowned Dr. Wylie

Miguel Delgado

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I originally found Amore Retreat, with Dr. Wylie, just by searching marriage retreats on google. The reviews I found on google and other sites were all great and I found myself relating to many of the reviewers stories.

My wife and I were in a rough place in our marriage. I felt like we needed help to improve our relationship, and potentially even help it from spiraling downward.

We have two children under 4 years old and we both work full time.

We scheduled a call with Dr. Wylie to learn more about the program and then after discussing further, we decided to move forward with this program.

My wife and I thought we would be doing some deep digging of past issues in our relationship or maybe our childhood. She and I had different ideas about what we might experience, and to our surprise – the actual experience was not at all what we imagined. It was better.

Also, we were grateful to be able to attend the week’s long retreat without our children. We had a lot of family chip in to help with the kids while we were gone, and they were all very supportive. Highly recommend doing this without any distractions.

“This is the most simple program, and you’ll find it is the most effective,” Dr. Wylie said to us in our first session. She was right. We learned skills that were easy to understand and practice. Within a day or two, we began to see a shift in the way we communicated with each other. We started having discussions I never thought we’d have. There was a shift.

By the end of the retreat, we genuinely felt like we hit a real reset button. No, that doesn’t mean that suddenly everything got wiped clean. The past is still there, the triggers that used to cause strain in our relationship are still there – we simply developed a new habit where we just naturally respond differently to those triggers. We treat each other differently, we understand each other better, and our marriage feels strong and matured.

Now, I will say I was a little worried things might go back to how they were after going back home and dealing with the stresses of raising a toddler and a baby while working full time jobs. Anyone who tells you their marriage is perfect is likely being dishonest. The truth is, we did have a few slip ups or minor set backs since the retreat, and the amazing thing is we dealt with issues/problems entirely different. No issue or problem lasted more than 20-30 minutes. The skills we learned feel so intuitive it’s almost like second nature.

I highly recommend this retreat to anyone who is married or thinking about getting married. I’ve been with my wife for almost 12 years and I feel like I’m getting to know a new version of her. If you do choose to make the investment, make sure to try Alpaca Cafe, Mama’s Egg House, and the local brewery.


5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

What an incredible experience. We decided to see Dr. Wylie for a ‘marriage tune up’ and what we got was far more than we ever imagined. Our relationship has been wonderful over the years yet we wanted to learn new communication tools and deepen our relationship and is why we reached out to her. The exercises, the interpersonal experiences, the flow of learning, and the communication processes are amazingly powerful and they work. The 5-day long retreat was perfectly paced in a peaceful setting and got us both off ‘autopilot’ in terms of how we communicate and raised our awareness in terms of how we treat each other. Our relationship got so much more than merely a ‘tune up.’ We drove away in a whole new relationship.

I cannot recommend Dr. Wylie more highly. She is compassionate, professional, competent, and firm when needed. Dr. Wylie and this program are the ‘real deal’ and the return on our investment is priceless.

Jeni Maus

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My husband and I had the most amazing experience at the Amore Retreat and hope to do a yearly visit with Dr. Wylie. She made our retreat such an amazing experience and we are forever grateful to her and know that we will have a very long relationship with her. Our relationship is stronger and better than it has ever been and we learned so much about how to communicate and be better partners to each other. This is a definite must for any couple going through any kind of issues, or even before marriage. Honestly, the best thing we could have done for our marriage.

James Sparks

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have not been to this retreat, but was asked by my wife to try it to reconnect. To the people reading my review, take this into consideration before it’s to late. She had brought it up because we would always argue and couldn’t see eye to eye on a lot of issues. Always playing the blame game. I came up with excuses that we didn’t have the money at the time or I couldn’t get time off work,etc. I thought I could fix the issues we had or tried to at least, but you can’t fix issues until you truly have hit rock bottom. My wife and I are separated right now and believe me it’s a wake up call. I have hardened my wife’s heart over the years and never listened intently to hear wants and needs. I write this post so you don’t make the same mistake I did. I hope it’s not to late and if not I will be booking a retreat!


5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This retreat was absolutely amazing. It was exactly what my husband and I needed; a week away from our busy lives and children while working on our communication skills. Dr. Wylie helped us communicate. She gave us items to work on each evening. It was more than just counseling. Had we not gone to this retreat, I am not sure that we could have survive our trials and tribulations that we were going through. We learned to be open with each other and grew closer. Dr. Wylie made us feel welcome and was very knowledgeable. Afterward, Dr Wylie has continued to support us over the phone. Any time we have hit a rough patch, she has helped us resettle and guided us through the communication skills. I highly recommend this retreat to any couple that needs help reconnecting.

L Jay

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I gave my husband an ultimatum. I challenged him to find and attend marriage counseling. We were exhausted from the arguing without resolution. Our whirlwind romance and elopement were euphoric. Six years later, working out our differences seemed impossible. After a terrible argument, we would make up and sweep the issue away with the next fight more intense than the last. Finally, we crashed like a train wreck, and he filed for divorce. I was hanging on to threads—at the end of our marriage.

How can communication be impossible with the most intimate person in my life? We read and practiced some popular marriage materials and advice, but it was NOT enough. This boot camp retreat helped us focus, save our marriage, and renew our commitment.

We took a week off from work and made each other a priority. Idyllwild is the perfect, romantic mountain setting for focusing on each other.

Dr. Wylie is such a compassionate being and truly a relationship expert! Along with her proven work material, she helped us identify our issues and implement real resolutions. We are forever grateful.

We would highly recommend Amore Retreat to anyone who wants better communication in their intimate relationship or if you need help finding that light at the end of the train tunnel.

Greg M

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This experience exceeded our expectations in every way. My wife was very skeptical, especially after the first hour or two into our first session. By the end of that very first session we actually achieved a breakthrough and the breakthroughs kept coming every day thereafter. No problems can be solved in any marriage without the skills we gained from this program and Dr. Wylie. She saved our marriage and gave us the tools to enable us to build a life time of love and happiness. We plan to return every year, in gratitude, for a little refresh. We are so grateful to Dr. Wylie. If your marriage is in crisis, beg, borrow or steal to get to this retreat as fast as you can. Hour long sessions here and there with a marriage counselor will not save your marriage or effect the change in both of you that must take place. Amore Retreat and Dr. Wylie is your only hope. Best money we have ever spent in our entire lives. Healing, peace, love is just an email away. Don’t wait.

Eddie M

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We were a little skeptical and unsure if this retreat would be worth it but now, coming out the other side, I can without a doubt say that it was! Dr. Wylie is a gem of a human. She creates such a loving and compassionate environment where you and your partner can not only talk openly about important issues but learn some pretty simple yet life-changing communication skills along the way. Like other reviewers have mentioned, this isn’t a week of finger pointing… it’s getting to reconnect with your partner and understand each other more deeply. We did the Amore Retreat for our anniversary and feel closer than ever — I’d recommend it to anyone! Thanks again, Dr. Wylie!

Mike South Bay

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I went with my wife for a retreat with Dr. Wylie. It was our first time doing anything like this. The experience was excellent and was a great value to our marriage. Thank you Dr. Wylie! She is very professional and really got us to open up and discuss our issues.
We enjoyed spending time in Idyllwild as well. It is really beautiful and has some surprisingly good restaurants.
Both my wife and I strongly recommend Dr. Wylie.

Patrick Zavas

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

To start, wow. This was a amazing experience and has given us the tools to effectively communicate in a way we didn’t realize was missing.
We are a newer couple. 3.5 years and a blended family with a 12 month old of our own. Life is busy and hard. Having Dr. Wylie to ourselves everyday for 3-4 hours a day was so helpful for us to use the new communication step we think is the key missing element in most communication in the world today. You’re learning a new way of communicating and having a professional guide you to stay on track especially during hard emotional heated discussions is a must.

We were concerned about the money but with our family moving in 3 weeks across country we absolutely needed to figure our we even stood a chance to stay together and if this move was a good one for us.

Dr. Wylie’s retreat has saved us. Both parties need to be willing to learn new communication skills and want to be together. If you already have this desire then this retreat will work. We highly suggest this retreat. You’re investing in your relationship long term and its priceless.
Thank you Dr. Wylie, from the depths of our heart.

SD Eruption

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My wife Lisa and I recently spent a week at the retreat and we came away hopeful about our marriage. We were both pretty skeptical, and felt like we were sort of crash-lining there at the retreat in a desperate attempt to save our marriage, one final time. We both came away feeling equipped to better handle our relationship with each other and also with other people. Because of the nature of her program where it’s 5 days and then you’re done, she is not trying to lock you in on extended therapy and so we felt like we got as much information as we could digest 5 days.

Chris Mathews

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My wife & I attended Amore Retreat & couldn’t be happier with the experience. Idyllwild is such a beautiful, peaceful, healing place. Dr. Wylie is so caring, understanding, & highly experienced. We arrived at the lowest point of our marriage & left with a newfound understanding of each other & a deeper level of love & intimacy than we’ve ever experienced. In some ways, we feel as if we are getting to truly know each other for the first time, which is so exciting! We can’t wait to see what the future holds thanks to Dr. Wylie & Amore Retreat.

Alice W

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My husband and I attended Dr Wylie’s couples retreat and absorbed everything like a sponge. She walked us through the Relationship Skills and taught us the importance of creating an environment for open communication. She was so lovely. She true believes in the power of the couple. She provided a workbook with great information to take home and practice. We appreciated that we were able to rebuild trust, as well as to learn how to communicate in a caring way, without hurting one another’s feelings. We felt happy and proud that we were taking positive steps forward. This is a great program for couples that are going through tough times.

Ben H

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Like most married people, my wife and I had issues that we ignored and refused to openly discuss. In many ways we had poor communication and did not value the relationship in the manner that it deserved. This often resulted in taking statements out of context and mistrust. We did not know how to correctly express ourselves to each other, often leading to heated communication and neither being heard. I went to Dr. Wylie with an open mind, and I presume my wife did too, but I wasn’t sure there would be any success. I felt that perhaps as a male, my feelings and opinions would fall upon deaf ears. I was surprised to find that Dr. Wylie was quite open, honest and impartial. I honestly felt she place weight upon my communication and I was heard. She carefully guided our conversations to closer examination and communication between my wife and I so that, maybe for the first time, we really understood each other and the value of our relationship. My wife and I had been to large retreats in the past but nothing compared to the close and private conversations we now were having. We began to finally understand each other and we learnt to communicate in ways the other would understand. It was difficult to have such open communication but the end result was worth the discomfort. For probably the first time in our marriage I felt that my wife could “feel” my words, not just hear them. And, in return, I also began to be able to “feel” my wife words. In the end I felt that we had made remarkable strides in understanding each other, tools that we had never thought of or been given before. When we left, I felt a happiness after such a long period of “marriage sadness.” Now, my wife and I communicate much more effectively. We seem to “get” each other on a deeper level than simply words. Sometimes, I “get” my wife’s communication without her saying anything. I now listen and feel what she says and I can see that she attempts to do the same. It’s not perfect, we are human after all, but it sure is a vast improvement. I feel that that our retreat with Dr. Wylie was a marked success and in discussions with my wife, that is her feeling also. To those who are thinking of taking this retreat, do it! Obviously you are reading this review because there are troubles within. But please go with an open mind and heart. If you do, you will make giant steps towards success in the hardest relationship in life, marriage.

Suzzie Harrison

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I was unsure of what to expect of our week with Dr. Wylie. I half expected a week of my husband and I pointing fingers at each other for the mistakes we had made in our past. It was nothing at all like that. Dr. Wylie was a respectable, welcoming, open minded, very intelligent person. I immediately felt like I could be as open as ever with her. She helped my husband and I learn the value of listening and communicating respectfully to one another. She taught us the skills needed for us to have a discussion about our feelings and disagreements in a way that was so calm and peaceful. She taught us how to truly listen to each other and understand each other on a different level. I would highly recommend Amore Retreat. I learned a lot, not only about my husband and I as a couple but also about myself. Thank you Dr. Wylie!


5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have worked closely with Dr Wylie for many years as a Marriage & Family Therapist myself. Dr. Wylie’s professional expertise and personal warmth create the perfect combination to transform your relationship into something extraordinary! I have personally spoken with couples who have completed her retreat and they have commented on their wealth of communication tools that continue to serve them as a couple and as individuals. I highly recommend Dr. MP Wylie’s Amore Retreat in a most peaceful and serene location in the mountains of Idyllwild.

Sean Smith

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dr. Wylie spent a very productive week with my wife and I at her Idyllwild location. We were in a new relationship and our first marriage, and we were struggling in building our marriage. The combination of her honest, compassionate counsel along with the break from our usual burdens allowed our marriage to get a fresh start. We often refer back to the lessons that Dr. Wylie provides us with when our discussions start to get intense and it helps us to recognize and show understanding in each other. We highly recommend taking the time to strengthen your marriage through Dr. Wylie’s tutelage and Idyllwild’s beauty.

John Harrison

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My wife and I were headed for divorce before we attended the Amore retreat. If you are reading this then you’re in a place of searching for a solution to a problem. You found the right place. This read is long but on my honor as a 100% disabled US Marine, every word is the truth. Best to you in your search for peace. No BS, our marriage had terminal issues that we tried to work out over a 15 year span. My wife cheated and lied, I physically and emotionally abused her. We went to traditional counseling, read the self help books and talked till we were blue in the face and we habitually ended up in the same place with no hope. The one thing we had going for us is that we both loved each other and wanted to find help to save our marriage. I was searching for a solution and happened across this retreat. I read the details and then read the reviews and I found hope. Lol, then I saw the price and gasped and left the website. During the next few weeks of searching, I kept coming back to the Amore retreat page and reread the program details and the reviews. I reached out to Dr. Wylie via email and told her a little about the situation and was impressed with her quick and comforting response. She gave me hope so I set the appointment. That was a wordy way to say that I sought out the best help I could find and when it was all over, it was worth every dollar. Dr. Wylie’s “one on one” couples approach was an incredibly difficult and eye opening experience that saved our marriage. Her technique in teaching is unique and before we knew it, my wife and I had looked at the deep and underlying issues and were able to move passed them. We never felt judged or looked down upon. I want to share that you are only going to get out of this retreat what you put into it both individually and as a couple. Today, our marriage is strong and we are closer than ever. I highly recommend this retreat to anyone who needs help rediscovering the love that brought your relationship together. My daughter is soon to be engaged. I am sending her and her fiancé to Dr. Wylie’s pre marriage retreat so they can learn the communication skills required for a healthy long term relationship. Dr. Wylie, thank you!

Regan K. Smith

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I wanted to attend a private couples retreat because I felt the need for something more intensive than weekly couples therapy. We were newly married and were already facing some tough issues. We were not communicating effectively and were both at a loss. I wanted help with our communication in the beginning of our marriage as I didn’t want to be stuck in a vicious cycle of miscommunication that could possibly tear our relationship apart. The retreat allowed us to take time away from the stressors of daily life and focus on our relationship. I learned new things about myself, my husband and our marriage. Dr. Wylie is caring and compassionate and offered an inviting environment to learn new tools for communication. She helped me to think outside of my own perspective and showed the importance of using empathy in our marriage. I learned that my husband and I have our own perspective on life, which is okay. Learning our individual love language has been a powerful tool in our marriage. Idyllwild is a beautiful mountain town which offers many things to do. We enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, hiking, exploring town and trying different restaurants. Idyllwild was a wonderful place to enjoy downtime while working on our marriage.​ I highly recommend Amor Retreat to any couple going through a difficult time or simply wanting to strengthen their relationship. Our marriage was in trouble and Dr. Wylie helped us realize that we could effectively work though our issues. The post-retreat phone sessions have been particularly helpful as my husband and I continue to grow together.

Karen Von Der Ahe

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dr. Wylie, at Amore Retreat, has been with me through a roller coaster of a marriage and a relationship. She’s understanding, empathic and provides excellent guidance. The little village of Idyllwild is simply magical and both Idyllwild and Dr. Wylie are a breath of fresh air.

What Couples and Others Have to Say After Attending a Retreat:

Marriage Intensive Retreat: was a must to overcome hurt, resentment and anger affiliated by affairs that happened recently in our marriage. It was tearing us apart and we knew we didn’t have the skills to even begin to work out the problems.

Outcome: I now feel like we have the skills and tools to compliment each others strengths. I feel alive going forward and we will only grow closer and stronger. I feel much more hopeful and positive. I feel we have new skills and understanding of each other that we never had before. I feel love, intimacy, support and excitement for our future. I believe getting to know my husband on a deeper level helped me to turn hurt and resentment into understanding and love. I have a better understanding of what my wife needs from me to feel loved and appreciated, by learning the skills to communicate in the right way at this retreat created those feelings for me. The most beneficial thing I learned from this retreat was learning how to show appreciation and accept appreciation. Also, learning how to communicate about problems without getting defensive. We were able to discuss some very hurtful topics and gain new understanding. The retreat helped me to “get under her skin” and truly try to understand how she feels in situations. I only wish we’d learned these skills years ago. I ABSOLUTELY recommend this retreat to others. Learning these skills to work together and implement the skills on a daily basis would help any couple in crisis.
Tammy (44) and Mathew (45)
April 2021

Couple’s Intensive Retreat was necessary because we were getting ready to move out of state with our four children and we didn’t know if our relationship was salvageable.

Outcome: I’m feeling a new sense of hope and revitalization of our relationship and the ability to positively overcome life’s challenges respectively and successfully. I feel very confidently that we have the skills now to have a happy and fulfilling life together, because we can effectively communicate together. I feel very connected and more in love toward my partner than ever before and I believe good communication helped create those feelings by showing understanding to one another. I’m “Twitter Patting” all over again, I feel lightheaded and young at heart like a giddy school girl in love for the first time. These feelings were possible because I finally feel heard and understood by my love. My deepest desire is to be comfortably known and not only does he now know me more deeply he also “wants” to know me. The most beneficial thing during this retreat is to realize our problems were because of a breakdown of communicating and learning new skills that brought us both closer together and much more connected. I’m already telling my friends and family about this retreat. If both parties are wanting their relationship to work then this retreat will work. It’s an investment in each other and your future and it’s priceless. Dr. Wylie is a fantastic instructor, counselor and coach. I was very pleased with my experience and hope Dr. Wylie continues to share her wonderful gifts with lucky couples. The environment was calming and relaxing. Both of us felt safe and not judged in anyway. I loved everything including having the calming presence of little Bella (Maltese).
Paul (36) and Fay (38)
Valle Vista, CA
March 2021

​Marriage Intensive Retreat was necessary because we were separated, couldn’t come together without fighting and divorce appeared to be our only option and we have two young children, plus financial strains and concerns.

Outcome: Communication was very hard for us without hitting below the belt and not listening to one another, before the other started attacking. I now feel very optimistic that we will be better in the future in speaking in a way that we will both be able to show each other understanding and work through some of our ongoing challenges that we’ve had for years. Communication is important in a relationship and many people think they are great communicators like me and this retreat helped me better understand how to communicate. I honestly loved coming up to Idyllwild, the warm and homey environment of our sessions, and most importantly Dr. Wylie is amazing and the skills she taught us and personal stories she shared.
John (42) and Catherine (35)
Los Angelos, CA
March 2021

Couple’s Intensive Retreat was necessary to get clarification about our relationship before getting married, especially since we have a child together and needed to resolve issues in the area of anger and trust.

Outcome: This retreat helped us in so many ways… It provided a better form of communication, other than being angry, as well as verbally and emotionally abusive. We both now have a much better understanding of each other. We created a take-home plan that will remind us of the things to do on a daily, weekly and monthly bases and help us in utilizing our new skills and commitment to one another. We had plenty of time to do fun things together that we both enjoy. It truly was a “vacation for our relationship.” We recommend the retreat because learning new communication skills are very helpful and beneficial to any relationship, as well as a perfect time to reconnect in fun and loving ways.
Ed (32) and Kay (35)
Taft, CA
February 2021

Marriage Intensive Retreat was very important to save our marriage and rebuild trust, as well as to learn to communicate in a caring way, without hurting one another’s feelings.

Outcome: I feel happy and proud that we are taking positive steps forward and that my wife was able to accept and embrace the new skills of communicating with me. I see a positive way forward when previously fights and negative feelings were growing out of control and clouding the future view for both of us. I feel confident we are now better together. I feel more connected to my husband and this retreat opened my mind and heart to seeing the better inside of him. This is a great program for couples that are going through tough times. I believe its not only saving our marriage, it’s helping us fall in love all over again.
Phil (38) and Alice (38)
Los Angeles, CA
September 2020

​Couple’s Intensive Retreat was based on addressing relationships issues in the area of trust and learning to communicate better together.

Outcome: This Retreat was highly inspiring and I’m feeling more in love than ever before, as well as, understand her deeper and her needs. We learned to open up to one another, without hurting feelings and at the same time being clearly understood. We worked through several issues in a calm and reassuring way, that we could both feel satisfied. I would recommend this retreat to couples that are serious about having a happy and satisfying relationship.
Allen (47) and Loretta (60)
Detroit, MI
August 2020

​Marriage Intensive Retreat was necessary to stay together or to decide to get divorced. For many years we’ve felt hurt by one another and lacked trust and openness. Our relationship was devastated by unfaithfulness and abuse.

Outcome: Our relationship is stronger after openly working through some of our main issues using constructive communications skills and discovering what our desires and needs are in our marriage. We rediscovered the true love we have for one another, worked towards forgiveness and very confident our years ahead are not only hopeful, they will also be filled with honesty, openness, empathy, intimacy and love. I/we definitely recommend this retreat. Dr. Wylie is an excellent listener and shows true understanding of the problems without judgement or shaming. She is a true professional that can help transform relationships.
Harry (55) and Peggy (42)
San Diego, CA
July 2020

​Marriage Intensive Retreat was really needed to rebuild trust, communication, emotional connection and grow closer together. For ten years we’ve been holding onto issues of unfaithfulness.

Outcome: This retreat has opened up many doors of communication. I feel optimistic of our future and an internal happiness of the knowledge and insight into my wife’s feelings. After a number of years I feel a far deeper love and closeness to my wife. I think the retreat speaks volumes and has a great implementation. Definitely very comfortable and inviting.
Julie (44) and Ray (49)
Riverside, CA
June 2020

Marriage Intensive Retreat was our last ditch effort before choosing a divorce.

Outcome: We both feel more understood by one another. This retreat helped our relationship to reconnect with one another, as well as to hear and listen to each other with more understanding. We learned to communicate with each other in a way we never had before. The skills are so simply, yet so powerful. The first day Dr. Wylie was able to really grasp where we were in our relationship and could jump in right away to assist us both. Doing the Pre-Retreat form helped both of us in getting clear with what we wanted in our relationship, as well as setting our goals high. The Pre-Retreat form also really helped Dr. Wylie in preparing for our retreat and she had a clear concept of us before we even arrived and knew what both of us needed to transform our marriage. We highly recommend this retreat for anyone desiring to transform their relationship.
Daniel (59) and Dawn (60)
Diamond Bar, CA
June 2019

​Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen because we were desperate to see if we could work through anger issues and infidelity related to porn and escort services online. Plus, both of us preferred not getting divorced, which appeared to be the only answer at the time.

Outcome: I have a new positive outlook on our marriage. I believe with our new communication skills we are actually able to solve issues and conflicts for the first time in a productive manner. I love my spouse more than ever and we have grown more in love during our retreat, plus benefited from spending quality time together in beautiful Idyllwild. This retreat has brought us closer together and helped us realize the importance of quality time with one another. Both the Understanding and Forgiveness Skills are the most beneficial thing we learned. I believe we are starting fresh and have acquired the tools to be happy again. We ABSOLUTELY recommend this retreat and believe it can help ANY relationship.
Mike (32) & Kristine (34)
Temecula, CA
June 2019

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen because of a two year affair and we still wanted to save our marriage and keep our family together, because we have two children that need both of us.

​Outcome: We feel an amazing hope and change that our marriage will last, because we have learned new communication skills and how to respond if there’s a concern that needs to be addressed. We can see light at the end of the tunnel. We are now able to talk things through and have clear, concise goals and an action plan for our future. We feel more love towards each other and now know better ways in how to express our love to each other. We both would definitely recommend this retreat. It is good to learn to communicate regardless of the state of marriage or relationship. This has been a good investment for the long run. Overall, Dr. Wylie is excellent at what she does and has the skills to transform marriages. We highly recommend this retreat. We like how Dr. Wylie has taught us to turn issues, disappointments and challenges into positive outcomes and resolutions that create us both to feel satisfied and happy.
James (38) & Janet (38)
Chino, CA
January 2019

Couple’s Intensive Retreat was needed because of physical, emotional and verbal abuse, along with anger and resentment, conditional love, communication issues, jealousy, hurt and name calling. Plus, we just found out we’re having a baby and are concerned about bringing him/her into our conflicted relationship.

Outcome: We expected to feel closer after attending the retreat. We didn’t expect to have a plan of action and skills to take home, so the retreat exceeded our expectation. We feel 100% confident in our relationship going forward, because we both feel reconnected and have a plan to maintain for our future. I feel love and appreciation towards my significant other and I believe reconnecting with her created those positive feelings. I feel very happy and in love because of his dedication to the process of learning new skills. An added bonus was we were able to “get away” and reconnect in beautiful Idyllwild. We both recommend this retreat because it worked for us and believe ever couple can benefit from time away, new communication skills, a good action plan to take home, as well as knocking down walls that were keeping us apart from lovingly reconnecting.
Jack (34) & Teresa (24)
Irvine, CA
May 2018

Marriage Intensive Retreat was our best option since divorce was being considered. We were no longer communicating and mostly avoided one another. The emotional abuse was intense and crazy making and on top of that our children (blended family) were distressed and confused.

Outcome: Going into the retreat I had low expectations. I knew we would cover sensitive topics, but didn’t expect to have anything change. I am pleasantly surprised! I am now very optimistic and confident about our marriage and new skills and we now feel happier and closer than ever before. We have new skills to effectively mange our conflicts. Dr. Wylie helped us put a take-home plan in place, so we have a clear direction in going forward, that will also assist our blended family feel more peaceful and secure. We will definitely recommend this retreat to our fiends that need help in resolving their issues in their relationship. Thanks Dr. Wylie! It has been great and we are looking forward to our four follow-up phone calls.
Brad (50) & Helen (38)
Manhattan Beach, CA
April 2018

Marriage Intensive Retreat was so important to both of us. Realizing in our 35 years together we were burdened with so many unspoken words and unsolved arguments that was driving us apart and missed not experiencing true intimacy in our marriage.

Outcome: We both feel very hopeful and optimistic, as well as very excited about the change in our relationship, along with compassion and open dialogue that created these wonderful feelings. We now have the skills to move forward in positive ways and work through our problems together. Any issue can be solved by “Understanding” and our newly found skills and we now know how to communication in a way that creates us both to be happy. We are starting a new chapter of our lives, so we can enjoy our life together and be best friends and lovers. We believe everyone needs to learn these skills and plan to have our grown children and their spouses attend this retreat in the near future.
John (58) & Jane (56)
Ontario, Canada
April 2018

Personal Intensive Retreat was attended to receive emotional support, assistance and guidance for my future.

Outcome: Dr. Wylie is so personable and has an amazing program for her Personal Intensive Retreats and provided me some very valuable direction in my life. The process gave me a clear understanding of my past and current life, as well as set a clear path for my future.
Susie (50)
San Clemente, CA
March 2018

Marriage Intensive Retreat was needed because we filed for a divorce and wondered if this would provide us the opportunity to save it. We wanted to have the freedom to be ourselves, stop the verbal conflict and rebuild trust.

Outcome: Our first session started off with a great deal of laughter and letting each other know what we loved about one another. By the end of the five day retreat we were both happy and grateful we had this week long opportunity to discuss and work out what was causing us so much conflict and unresolved issues. We both found this retreat to be very helpful and beneficial. We are now off to spend time together celebrating and have a fun weekend enjoying each other’s company. We plan to send many of our friends to this very productive, informative and beneficial retreat.
Amy (51) & Jerry (59)
Palo Alto, CA
February 2018

Personal Intensive Retreat was chosen to get myself back on track and clear my head before having a Marriage Intensive Retreat with my husband.

Outcome: The personal retreat provided me the opportunity to get most of my thoughts, feelings, concerns and desires on the table and feel happy again.
Amy (51)
Palo Alto, CA
January 2018

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to better handle our conflicts and to get to the root of our problems and how to better communicate.

Outcome: We acquired the ability to speak with each other in a respectful ways. Discovered holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes makes a difference and helps bring down the wall between us and open our hearts to one another. This is also a great pre-marriage program. The skills are needed from the start to know how to communicate in productive and caring ways that enhances the relationship and provides respect, love and security in the marriage.
Lynn (50) and Bob (51)
Whittier, California
August 2017

​Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to see if it’s possible to save our marriage as a blended family of six children and learn to listen to one another without our conversation turning into hurtful shouting matches.

Outcome: Dr. Wylie is an amazing coach and counselor, as well as, her guidance always seemed appropriate. It helped immensely to talk things through in a slow manner that is formatted so each person actually feels heard and understood. We both mutually respect the fact that we invested in this retreat together to make our marriage / relationship as good as we can. I have confidence in my abilities and new communication skills to create my marriage to be in a better place. I would certainly recommend the Marriage Retreat, because Dr. Wylie is well experienced in relationships, marriage, children, teenagers, parenting (even blended families) and communication skills to best understand and assist with all issues couples and individuals experience.
Karen (45) and Tony (55)
Shreveport, Louisiana
January 2017

Marriage Intensive Retreat was necessary to stop the behavior of emotional and physical abuse, learn to respect one another, to get back to how it was in the beginning when we truly cared about each other and to be able to forgive and get our marriage back on track.

Outcome: I feel hopeful and confident our love will succeed by implementing our newly learned communication skills. There is a better understanding on both our parts of how we’ve hurt one another. This week has broken down our walls, gave us a better understanding of each other, as well as gave us a very productive way to communicate in the future to protect our marriage. I would absolutely recommend the five-day Couple’s Retreat, because we were almost hopeless and now we have an excellent chance of success. (Received a Christmas text and picture of a very happy couple together, giving thanks for their retreat experience and stated they believe their marriage is saved and they are more in love than ever before.)
Michelle (30) and Curt (47)
New York, New York
November 2016

Marriage Intensive Retreat was needed to save our marriage, learn how to control our emotions and feel safe. To work through some serious issues and learn communication skills, so that we can be more connected, less angry and hurt, as well as build a better family unit and business together. Plus, Dr. Wylie helped us get our restraining order dropped, so we could attend our retreat.

Outcome: I feel safer now and I can trust him more than before. I feel less anxiety since coming this week and my heart is much clearer. I feel we’re both committed to our marriage, plus I feel completely in love with my wife. We received clear techniques to work out issues and resolve them. We both now have a clear map we can follow when we return home. I recommend the Marriage Intensive Retreat, because it saved our marriage.
Lois (age 36) and Tony (39)
Odenton, Maryland
September 2016

Personal Intensive Retreat was desired to improve self, to be more available for emotional intimacy. Motivation to have a healthier relationship with my husband and how I can better communicate and express myself to him. Be more open to growth and self acceptance for a brighter future.

Outcome: I experienced a true awaking, more self-love and understanding. I feel I’m developing a better relationship with myself. A better understanding why old behaviors (poor) were developed. I recommend a five-day Personal Retreat to others to create a new life and deeper appreciation of themselves. This is the best gift anyone can give to themselves. My husband has requested that we come back next year for a Marriage Intensive Retreat and I couldn’t be happier to here him say those words. I recommend if your partner isn’t yet ready for a couple’s retreat, attend a personal retreat to start working on your self first.
Nancy (age 49)
San Dimas, CA
August 2016

Marriage Preparation Retreat for better understanding of our relationship and to develop a clear path towards sexual intimacy.

Outcome: After completing our one-on-one five-day Retreat I feel confident in our ability to apply beneficial skills within our relationship. Plus, I’m feeling more in love with my spouse, especially for him being truly present during the process and sharing his feelings honestly and openly. I was truly touched to hear him tell me how he feels about me. I experienced Dr. Wylie to be intuitive, honest and clear. There was an immediate trust created between us. I felt safe to go where I needed to go and say what I wanted to say. I deeply appreciated that Dr. Wylie listened to our needs / desires / concerns through the process and adjusted accordingly. I would recommend this retreat to other couples because it’s an excellent investment in money, time and energy for the relationship and provides the growth needed to better focus on the relationship and the needs we both desire within our upcoming marriage.
Steve (age 54) and Diane (age 51)
Seattle, WA
July 2016

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to discuss our root problems and be able to begin to find and share the love we once knew.

Outcome: We entered a safe environment and felt guided by capable hands with Dr. Wylie. We talked over and admitted things to each other that have been silent wedges for many years. The Understanding Skill helped us both get into each other’s shoes and connected in a much deeper way. We wished we had these skills when we first got married and recognize how we would have avoided so much pain we experienced over the years. We recommend the Marriage Intensive Retreat and can certainly see the benefit of starting off a marriage with these amazing skills and how it can keep a marriage alive, healthy, secure and filled with love. We would like to give this retreat as a gift to our three married children.
Bob (age 64) and Susan (age 62)
Billings, MT
February 2016

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to work through the crisis related to a year long affair and also learn how to heal and repair our marriage, as well as understand how to avoid this from happening again.

Outcome: I feel hopeful we can continue to heal and repair our marriage, by using our new communication skills. I found the coaching Dr. Wylie provided while we discussed the infidelity was most beneficial and the advice and support was priceless. This retreat time together helped us learn a new language to communicate better and discuss our differences. I’m also feeling a great deal of hope for our marriage and keeping our family together. Thank you Dr. Wylie, for your amazing dedication. I recommend the couple’s retreat, because I loved it and it’s helping me to become whole again.
Peter (age 34) and Patricia (age 33) (both medical doctors)
New York, NY
January 2016

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to work through infidelity issues and communication flaws within our marriage.

Outcome: The most beneficial thing experienced was having Dr. Wylie coach us through our feelings and help us to express our emotions using newly learned communication tools. The five-day Marriage Intensive Retreat provided us the opportunity to rebuild trust and connect in a more emotional and intimate level that we’ve never experienced before and provided a strong foundation and guidelines to work through current and future struggles. We are now able to restore trust and it feels safe to express feelings when issues arise. We both recommend the retreat and believe any couple would benefit. It helped reconnect us emotionally and build life-long communication skills to express in a safe way to help be understood and solve problems on a deeper level.
Courtney (age 32) and Alex (age 32)
Lake Forest, CA
October 2015

Marriage Preparation Intensive Retreat was chosen since we were both entering a second marriage and wanted to prepare for our future.

Outcome: Having a great deal of hope now and moving forward with a second marriage. This has been an amazing experience of quality and much needed quantity time together with learning new productive communication skills, yet having fun, as well as having enjoyable and relaxing time together. I’ve fallen more in love with my future spouse. Seeing into my partner and him seeing into me and understanding my thoughts, feelings, concerns and desires has created an unbelievable intimacy between the two of us. We have a new set of communication skills that will carry us through a lifetime of resolving issues and challenges with both of us feeling satisfied with the outcome. We both highly recommend this retreat to any couple who desires to invest in their relationship / marriage with a positive outcome of falling more deeply in love. Idyllwild was also a real plus with delightful lodging, numerous activities and awesome restaurants.
Patricia (age 64) and James (age 62)
Boulder, CO
September 2015

Marriage Preparation Intensive Retreat was needed to address the fact that we lacked communication and conflict management skills and it was strongly affecting our relationship in negative ways – we were having difficulty in moving forward.

Outcome: We found the week very enjoyable. Our first session with Dr. Wylie was to get to know one another better without getting into details of our issues. I attended the retreat with an open mind and wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m now leaving more confident with tools and communication skills that we can better express our thoughts and feelings in a safe and productive ways. The most beneficial thing I experienced during the retreat was having a safe space to share my thoughts and feelings without being attacked or judged. This has helped our relationship by providing useful skills we can use to improve our communication with one another. The couple’s retreat would be beneficial to every relationship no matter what stage they are in.
Ellen (age 27) and Fred (age 29)
Oakland, CA
August 2015

Marriage Intensive Retreat was one of our last ditch efforts, since we were filing for divorce and struggling with communication.

Outcome: Evaluation sent in a letter two months after returning home:
Hello Doctor Wylie,
I wanted to let you know that your 5 Day Marriage Intensive Retreat was amazing. I learned so much I would give all 5’s (Excellent) for my reviews.
The most beneficial thing for me was having some conclusions or closure for some old conversations that Chris and I have had and to learn how to continue meaningful conversations that we have in the future.
The biggest thing I saw was Chris come to some clear realizations on his communication not only with me but with anyone in his life.
My frustration on getting him to understand what he was doing in the past and how he did not empathize was going nowhere but now he is able to put himself in other people shoes, as well as mine.
For me personally, I was awakened to my ability to speak my mind without fear, since I had that at one time in my life and had lost it somewhere but it is now back.
I would recommend the 5 Day Marriage Intensive Retreat not only to married couples, but family member or friends that need to fine tune their relationship. Communication skills can benefit any relationship.
It was wonderful meeting you and getting to know you.
Darcie (47) and Chris (50)
Las Vegas, NV
July 2015

Marriage Intensive Retreat appeared to be what we needed, since we had lost trust, and had lack of respect and equality, along with control issues. We felt we no longer had the foundation our marriage was based on and the possibility of separation was being seriously considered.

Outcome: The most beneficial things of the retreat were the skills related to communicating and understanding my partner and finding common resolution to the issues. By recognizing the core issue in the relationship and putting together a game plan going forward will help the future of our marriage. The skills learned are very practical and the sessions are customized and personal to our needs. We found Idyllwild is a really awesome town and has magic too it. Dr. Wylie’s professionalism is beneficial and very helpful to us as a couple.
Helen (age 30) and Mark (age 29)
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
July 2015

Marriage Intensive Retreat was chosen to address how we were really struggling with sexual issues and couldn’t remember the last time we made love – possibly three years or more.

Outcome: We both highly recommend the five-day Marriage Intensive Retreat. Dr. Wylie is fantastic in getting to the root issues and working on them. Idyllwild is a perfect atmosphere for couple’s getaway from their daily life. It was so beneficial doing one-on-one sessions with Dr. Wylie. By learning new communication skills and applying them through exercises and discussions, as well as, coming up with an action plan we both feel more confident in moving forward with our marriage. We came up with a practical plan on changing how we will share romantic intimate information and make time for exploring our sexuality with one another. In a very short time (5 days) we became extremely close with one another, had fun together in Idyllwild, and have such high hopes for the future of our marriage.
Virginia (age 30) and Daniel (age 30)
Santa Monica, CA
June 2015

Couple’s Intensive Retreat was necessary to address betrayal and abandonment issues, low self-esteem and neediness, along with fear of commitment.

Outcome: In this amazing five-day Couple’s Intensive Retreat I learned how angry I was, even though my anger was repressed I couldn’t see how I contributed to the blow-ups that my partner and I had on a regular basis. Once I connected to my anger, I found out how hurt I was by my partner’s actions. The skills we learned helped me talk about my hurts in a way that my partner could hear and not be triggered and feel hurt himself. The mutual understanding that resulted left us with a sense of the building of the trust between us, which had been previously decimated. I don’t know how other couples stay together without experiencing this five-day retreat. We are leaving re-committed to each other and committed to coming back next year. Our relationship was on the rocks and we turned a shipwreck into a luxurious cruise ship. Note received later: Thank you (Dr. Wylie) so much for coming into our lives and lighting everything up.
Mary (age 54) and Peter (age 58)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
June 2015

Marriage Intensive Retreat was needed to work on our constant arguing, lack of respect and lack of gentleness, since our marriage was no longer fun and enjoyable.

Outcome: In our five-day Marriage Intensive Retreat we worked through our most persistent issues and we have a game plan for moving forward. Together we experienced a closeness and joy that had been missing for a very long time. The whole retreat and week together was so useful and valuable.
Sally (age 41) and Mark (age 42)
Arcadia, CA
May 2015

Marriage Intensive Retreat was the only way to go, we were in a major crisis and soon traveling to a family wedding and not speaking to one another.

Outcome: Dr. Wylie fit us in her busy schedule even though she was double booking us, which meant she had to work all day for several days and in the process saved our marriage and sent us off to our family wedding holding hands and smiles on our faces. The most beneficial things were: my husband understanding my hurt and anger and having him say what he did was wrong; my husband’s work in moving our relationship forward and; my husband saying he wanted to hear my stories. Dr. Wylie had a way of making us feel comfortable right away and helped lead us to the positive aspects of our relationship.
Sue (age 45) and Mark (age 50)
Phoenix, AZ
August 2014

Couple’s Intensive Retreat was necessary to explore our past marriage, one child we had together, divorce and striving to make a decision to get married again.

Outcome: The five-day Couple’s Intensive Retreat is every bit what we needed. This helped us even though we considered ourselves a lost cause. We learned how to talk and figure out the real needs, concerns and desires that we were experiencing. The communication skills helped with being able to open up without attacks in return.
Ellen (age 32) and Ken (age 33)
Ridgecrest, CA
August 2014

Marriage Intensive Retreat is what we needed to see if we could resolve the emotional abuse in the marriage and not knowing how to communicate and work through conflict.

Outcome: Our five-day Marriage Intensive Retreat was so beneficial and there was a good balance between couple’s work and enjoyable fun time together. We achieved numerous skills and have plans to move forward in a positive direction and to treat each other with honor and respect. We now know how to problem solve together and reach agreements to implement. Dr. Wylie did a really good job in helping us to get through some really tough discussions to create a positive outcome.
Linda (age 50) and Larry (age 52)
Mesa, AZ
June 2014

Marriage Intensive Retreat was desired to learn new skills to apply in our marriage, as well as running our own business together.

Outcome: The Marriage Retreat is just what we needed to pick up a few good communication skills that we could put to work immediately. It was not intimidating or scary in any way. I actually could hear my wife’s hurt and frustrations. I experienced some “aha” moments that will help our good marriage be even better. The retreat was low stress with good results and wasn’t go, go, go all the time. I thoroughly enjoyed the time Dr. Wylie invested in us — well worth it all the way around! The relaxed environment and communication tools that are simple to implement are very beneficial.
Bonny (age 43) and Rich (age 61)
San Diego, CA
May 2014

Marriage Intensive Retreat was necessary because we hit a huge wall in our marriage and had already separated and planning to divorce. It involved one of us having an affair and the other feeling intimately disconnected.

Outcome: The five-day Marriage Intensive Retreat was amazing and saved our marriage. We learned that we could communicate in caring and honest manner and actually solve our problems by using newly learned communication skills. I now feel renewed and loved by my spouse. Learning the skills and techniques on how to communicate and resolve issues/conflict between my wife and I as they relate to our sex and intimacy was so beneficial. I believe this retreat saved our marriage and will help to continue to bring joy and happiness into our relationship. Note received several months later: How renewed and thankful I feel because of you (Dr. Wylie). I have learned so much and I feel the skills you teach are so powerful. Our marriage is now saved and our love is back and deeper than ever before. I’m grateful to you for setting us on a positive hands-on trek for a happy marriage and successful relationship.
Sharan (age 72) and Ray (age 71)
Santa Barbara, CA
January 2014

Additional Brief Retreat Testimonies

“Our Marriage Intensive Retreat week helped us identify some of the deep ruts in our patterned responses to each other. This has given me hope that old dogs can learn new tricks! The understanding skill of the first session was a real highlight and I was surprised at the closeness I felt afterwards. It was very special!” – Rick E.

“Our Marriage Intensive Retreat week has been the most helpful marriage retreat we’ve ever attended. We learned skills that we’ll be able to use throughout the rest of our marriage and life. We loved learning new skills that will help us be proactive toward having a healthy marriage!” – Jen J.

“Marriage counseling wouldn’t have saved our marriage. In our case, it would have made it worse. Through our Marriage Intensive Retreat with Dr. Wylie, we were able to make huge strides forward in several issues. On the very first day, we felt hopeful this was going to change our marriage for the better, and it did. It was the best thing we could have done for us and our marriage.” – Ron and Sue

What individuals had to say after completing the Journey to Love or Summit of Your Potential Personal Intensive Retreats by Dr. Wylie

“Dr. Wylie’s Journey to Love retreat has broadened my understanding about my impressions about men. And learning that my happiness and feeling fulfilled is my responsibility has helped me feel happier and more satisfied with my life.” – Debbie

“Dr. Wylie, I learned that I have the right to expect more. I’m now in a relationship with a deeply caring man who is truly interested in me. We’re both delightfully meeting each other’s needs.” Later she wrote: “Our relationship is GREAT!! We got married the day after Thanksgiving!!! Your Journey to Love retreat and workbook helped me define what I wanted in a relationship and career; I came to believe I deserved a wonderful partner and life. And that is exactly what I have now. THANK YOU!!” – Eileen

“Judges would be wise to make it a condition for couples divorcing to take the Journey to Love retreat, so they don’t continue making the same mistakes.” – Julie

“The Journey to Love retreat helped me analyze the way I was raised and the people I’ve dated. I was able to identify patterns and actions on my behalf that either made or broke my relationships. It helped me get to the bottom of my heart.” – Lindsey

“The Summit of Your Potential retreat helped me realize much more about who I am and what I want, which enables me to be a more complete person and a better partner.” – Larry

“My Summit of Your Potential Workbook has now become my personal guide to my success in both my relationships and professional life.” – Don

“The Summit of Your Potential retreat taught me I must take responsibility for creating my own boundaries and how this will help others respect me.” – Chris

“Dr. Wylie, is very skilled in her technique to get to the bottom line quickly. I’m pleased with the results I’ve experienced with her retreat as well as her personal coaching.”-Daniel